Many credit cards offer a bonus points system for every card purchase that you make, where you can convert them to special items or freebies. Other credit cards don't have a rewards programme but instead they will return a certain percentage of the amount of what you've bought with your credit card. This is called cashback or a credit card rebate.
We’ve listed down the benefits of rewards credit card and cashback credit card. You can go through each of the cards and pick the one that matches your lifestyle and needs. All you need to do next is apply for one, or both, if you want to.
Rewards credit card
HSBC Red Mastercard |
Cashback/ rebate credit card
HSBC Live+ Credit Card |
Rewards credit card
HSBC Red Mastercard |
Cashback/ rebate credit card
HSBC Live+ Credit Card |
Rewards credit card
HSBC Red Mastercard |
Cashback/ rebate credit card
HSBC Live+ Credit Card |
Rewards credit card
HSBC Red Mastercard |
Cashback/ rebate credit card
HSBC Live+ Credit Card |
Rewards credit card
HSBC Red Mastercard |
Cashback/ rebate credit card
HSBC Live+ Credit Card |
We hope this comparison between rewards, cashback, and credit card rebates will help you find the perfect card. To kickstart your decision-making journey, we have ongoing promotions when you apply for our credit cards.
Explore our range of HSBC Philippines credit cards and apply for a credit card online.
Eligibility for an HSBC Credit Card:
You can also drop by at any HSBC branch near you to apply.